We follow the NOFA Organic Land Care Standards, and I am a NOFA Accredited Organic Land Care Professional (AOLCP).  I have also learned a lot from the PRFCT Earth Project, who offers a wealth of information for anyone interested in toxin free land care.

 The best way to understand what we can do for you is to schedule a consultation and site review.  Organic landscaping is not about one-size-fits-all solutions, it is about a give and take between land and land owner.  What are your expectations?  How do you want to use your land?  How close are you to the water?  What is the condition of your soil?  How much light is getting through?  These questions and more will determine exactly what organic landscaping will look like for you.  

Turf Management

Creating a beautiful organic lawn is a process, and it starts with healthy soil.  We take soil samples at every new property and send them to a lab for a full biological analysis.  From there we can address deficiencies and create a solid foundation on which healthy turf can live.  We use a multi-level approach to weed management to help create the look you want without the use of toxic chemicals that damage our water ways and local wild life.  Lawns that are transitioning from non-organic to organic may experience a period of transition, but this is usually temporary and will be addressed with your targeted plan of action.  

Dynamic Solutions

We don't just specialize in classic green grass lawns.  Organic landscapes often embrace a variety of solutions to create dynamic zones that take advantage of the natural tendencies of the land.  Meadow, moss-scapes, sand dunes, and wetlands are some examples.  You may think that these areas are best left alone, but they actually need care too, to prevent invasive species from taking hold and help them reach their full aesthetic potential.   


Fertilizer and Compost Tea

Conventional lawn fertilizers dose your land with man-made nitrogen, carcinogens, and endocrine disruptors, and the excess washes through your dirt into the surrounding bodies of water - including the drinking water.   Visit our resources page for links to website that have more information on the hazardous effects of synthetic fertilizer.  

We use soil analysis to determine what type of fertilizer applications are necessary for the health of your lawn.  However, even organic fertilizer needs to be used responsibly. When we can see the specific deficiencies in your soil, we can use targeted amounts of the correct product for your lawn. 

Compost Tea is a powerful cocktail of living beneficial bacteria, fungi and other microscopic organisms created by brewing compost in oxygenated water.  Other natural things like fish enzymes can be added increase the potency.  The result is a nourishing tonic for your pant life that will greatly improve plant health.  We use compost tea applications that address the specific deficiencies in your soil.  



Whether you are looking to install new ornamentals or just need someone to maintain your already beautiful specimen plants, Norris Organics will apply the same individual approach we take to everything else.  Targeted organic treatments will help prevent pests and disease from taking hold and ensure that trees and shrubs reach their fullest potential.  We can help you choose non-invasive plants that are right for your land and light, design aesthetically pleasing layouts, ensure that your irrigation is properly dispersing water, and create a schedule of pruning and cutting that will ensure optimal growth. In the fall we mulch all the fallen leaves and blow them into the beds to infuse roots with a rich source of natural fertilizer.  We also provide specialized care and design for potted plantings.   

Winter Work

Even if you are not here in the winter months, your landscape still needs care.  Snow and storms can do permanent damage to pants and shrubs if they are not tended to.  In addition to snow removal and clearing the access to utilities, we care for your plants by removing heavy snow and broken or fallen tree limbs as needed.  We can also do regular home checks upon request and maintain indoor potted plants when you are not home.  Contact us for more information on winter services or to be added to our plow list.

So much more

There is nothing Norris Organics won't do to help you create the organic landscape of your dreams.  In addition to the services outlined above we can also help with masonry, log wall design and installation, gardens of all types, tree work, even beekeeping!  If you are unsure of how we can help you or want to know more about any of the services outlined above, click the button below to send us a message and schedule a consultation.  We look forward to hearing from you!